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Seeking Peer Review Panelists for Funding Competition: Healthy Ecosystems Grants 4

Are you interested in contributing your expertise to help the Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determine projects that will increase understanding of the coupled natural-human system of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico region?

Please consider serving as a peer reviewer of applications submitted to the GRP’s Healthy Ecosystems Grants 4 funding competition. Through this competition, the GRP is seeking specifically 
to improve understanding of how coastal ecosystems in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico region are affected by or interact with natural processes (e.g., sea level rise) and human activities (e.g., coastal development, fisheries) as part of a coupled natural-human system. GRP expects that these projects will contribute to improved decision-making either presently or in the future.  

Peer review panel needs will be determined based on the applications received by the Healthy Ecosystems Grants 4 submission deadline on July 24, 2019. We will contact you with an invitation to serve as a peer reviewer if your expertise matches the needs of the peer review panel. 

Reviewers selected will be assigned approximately 8 applications to review over a 6-8 week period. Panel discussions will be held via an in-person meeting in the fall.

If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer, please fill out the form below.

* denotes required fields

NOTE: If you are (or will be) listed as a Project Director or Key Personnel on any Healthy Ecosystems Grants 4 applications, you are not eligible to serve as a peer reviewer.
Contact Information *This question is required.
Expertise (check all that apply) *This question is required.
Are you available to potentially attend a panel review meeting on a date between mid-October and mid-November? *This question is required.
Have you previously served on a GRP review panel? *This question is required.