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ProMo-Cymru Digital Training/ Hyfforddiant Digidol ProMo-Cymru

How useful was today’s training? (0 = poor, 5 = excellent) 
Pa mor ddefnyddiol oedd hyfforddiant heddiw? (0=gwael, 5=gwych)  *This question is required.
How would you rate the trainer? (0 = poor, 5 = excellent)
Sut fyddech chi'n graddio'r hyfforddwr? (0=gwael, 5=gwych) *This question is required.
How would you rate the venue? (0 = poor, 5 = excellent)
Beth yw eich barn am y ganolfan? (0=gwael, 5=gwych) *This question is required.

Was the training value for money? (0 = poor, 5 = excellent)
Oedd yr hyfforddiant yn cynnig gwerth am arian? (0=gwael, 5=gwych)

*This question is required.
How did you find out about the training?
Sut dysgoch chi am y gweithgaredd?
*This question is required.
Do you consent to us using your comments for marketing purposes?
Ydych chi'n rhoi caniatâd defnyddio eich sylwadau i bwrpas marchnata?
*This question is required.