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NRPA Parks For Pollinators Bioblitz Post Survey

NRPA Parks For Pollinators Bioblitz

Thank you for hosting a pollinator bioblitz during the month of June in coordination with Parks for Pollinators Bioblitz.  We are very interested in hearing your feedback on the process and your experience to ensure we can improve upon our program in future years.  Please answer this very short survey!
5. Number of Events (bioblitzs) you held:
6. How many people did you engage?
7. Was this your first time hosting a bioblitz
9. Did you find the toolkits, marketing information and sample flyers from NRPA helpful?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied
14. Will you host another bioblitz in the future?
15. Please upload any photos from your event that we have permission to use: