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District BCBA and Support Personnel Survey

The Massachusetts Autism Commission (“the Commission”) has frequently heard that schools and Local Education Agencies (“LEAs”) struggle to find and retain qualified personnel to support children with autism in public school settings.  As a result, the Commission is gathering information about the recruitment and retention of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (“BCBAs”) and support personnel (such as paraprofessionals or behavior technicians) who implement Applied Behavior Analysis (“ABA”) programs for students with autism.  

Thank you for taking a few minutes to respond to the survey below to provide your input on this important topic.  Using ideas gathered through this survey, the Commission plans to compile promising recruitment and retention ideas and share them with school and LEA leaders.  The Commission hopes that by doing so, schools and LEAs can learn from each other and promote the most effective strategies for recruiting and retaining ABA providers.

Your input is confidential and anonymous.  Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with your responses.