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FIPP Mentorship Program Survey

Mentor or Mentee

2. Do you want to be a... *This question is required.
7. In what career stage are you? *This question is required.
8. What degree do you have or are working towards?  *This question is required.
9. What is your professional area of focus? (Please check all that apply.) *This question is required.
10. In what setting do you work or want to work? If you participate in multiple, occupational areas, select the setting/type of work in which you spend the most time.  *This question is required.
11. What has been your experience of parenthood thus far? (Please check all that apply.) *This question is required.
12. What is your primary goal for mentorship?  *This question is required.
13. How much time would you like to dedicate to communicating with your mentor/mentee match?  *This question is required.
14. What resources do you have the ability to provide (as a mentor) or are seeking (as a mentee)? (Please check all that apply.) *This question is required.