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2019 College Application Week High Schools Survey

2019 College Application Week

Thank you for your interest in participating in Indiana's College GO! and College Application Week efforts. By completing this form, you are registering your high school as an official College Application Week site. You are agreeing to set aside a date and time during a school day for graduating seniors to complete college applications. You also agree to submit participation data to Learn More Indiana after your College Application Week event.

Please complete the survey below to let us know how you plan to participate and how Learn More Indiana can support your efforts.

Please note: Giveaways to schools will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Schools that register after August 15 may not receive a kit.
3. Contact Information *This question is required.
5. When do you plan to host your College Application Week event? We understand this date is subject to change. (Note: College Application Week events DO NOT have to take place during College Application Week to be included as an official host site.) *This question is required.
7. Do you need assistance connecting with volunteers from local colleges or community organizations for your College Application Week event?

(Note: If yes, Commission for Higher Education staff will send you a link to a Google Doc where you can input your event information. This Google Doc will be shared with prospective volunteers. Volunteers will then have the opportunity to reach out to events that fit their schedule and location. Sharing this information on the Google Doc does not guarantee a volunteer. You should still attempt to secure volunteers in the area, including parents and community partners (YMCA, Big Brothers Big Sisters, banks, etc.). *This question is required.
9. I understand by submitting this form, I am agreeing to be an official Indiana College Application Week host site. I understand as a host site we will need to provide a date and time for seniors to complete college applications during the school day. I understand I will need to track and share specific data about the number of participating students and the number of applications submitted during our event with Learn More Indiana staff.  *This question is required.