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Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Quiz: 312-50 Quiz 10

Enjoy the following 10 question quiz from TestOut. After the quiz you will get a score and explanations for any missed questions.

1. Mike would like to identify attempts to send ping requests out from his network. What protocol should he look for in packet captures?
2. Kaitlyn would like to find a solution for the centralized storage and analysis of security log information. Which one of the following tools would be best suited for this task?
3. Roger is performing open source intelligence and would like to determine the owner of a domain name. Which one of the following tools is best suited to provide this information?

4. Vincent is evaluating the security of his organization’s wireless network and realizes that SSID broadcasting is turned on. Who should normally have access to a wireless network’s SSID?

5. The two defining characteristics of a risk are its probability and its (which of the following)?

6. Joe is studying a recent social engineering attack that took place against his organization. The attacker phoned an administrative assistant and said that her files were being deleted and that he needed the assistant’s password to stop the loss of data. What influence principle was in use?
7. Dan intercepted several encrypted files from an organization during a penetration test. They were encrypted with different algorithms. Which algorithm is he most likely to crack?
8. Several Fortune 500 companies recently had data contained in public AWS S3 buckets. What is the primary risk associated with this activity?

9. Matt ran an nmap scan of a system and received the results shown below. Which one of the following services is LEAST likely to be running on this server?

10. Alan recently discovered a new vulnerability in a popular office productivity suite. Which one of the following approaches would be the most responsible way for him to share this knowledge?