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Pelican Landing Home for Sale / Lease

  • This form may be submitted by the homeowner or an authorized Realtor or representative.
  • Listings are for Pelican Landing properties only.
  • Cost is $50.00 per listing. You may pay by check or credit card, U.S. banks only. Checks payable to "PLCA" may be delivered in-person at or mailed to the Pelican Landing Community Center at 24501 Walden Center Drive, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. Credit cards may be paid in person or over the phone by calling our front desk at (239) 947-5977.
  • Listings are for a continuous six-month listing and no refunds will be given if the listing is terminated prior to its expiration date.
  • The description of the property is limited to 150 words.
  • One image of the property may be uploaded for use in the listing. If you’d like multiple pictures, you would have to create a collage and save it as a single image before uploading.
1. I would like to list a: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
2. The $50 listing fee may be paid over the phone or by visiting the Pelican Landing administrative office. Please indicate the method you will be paying: *This question is required.Please note that listings are for a continuous six-month and no refunds will be given should the listing be terminated prior to its expiration date.
2. Please provide the contact information for the listing. (Realtor's information, if applicable).
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid currency format.
7. Upload one image of the property.Allowable filetypes: JPG, JPEG, PNG.  Maximum file size is 2 MB.
If you’re having any issues with this form, please email