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Signs of Safety

Upholding your GDPR rights


Upholding rights for the purposes of scientific research


The data processing is for scientific purposes: to analyse the impact of Signs of Safety (SoS) to understand whether Signs of Safety reduces the duration of assessments and the likelihood of an initial child protection conference, the likelihood of cases that received an NFA to be re-referred, the likelihood of cases to be re-referred and result in a CPP or the child becoming looked after, increases in kinship care. This assessment will help decision-makers in local authorities make decisions on whether or not to invest in SoS. 


We will not collect children and families’ information for this project as an organisation but are using data previously collected by local authorities. The data about individuals requested from the Department for Education will be pseudo-anonymised and is stored on ONS servers and accessed via the secure research service.


Your data will be included in the analysis if you have been referred to and assessed by children’s social services in one of the local authorities analysed. Please see the list of pilot local authorities in the appendix of the trial protocol. We will update this to include the list of match local authorities after the matching is complete. 


Under data protection legislation, individuals have the right to request confirmation that their data is being processed.


You also have the right: 

  • To ask us for access to information about you that we hold.

  • To have your personal data rectified, if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

  • To request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.

  • To restrict our processing of your personal data (i.e. Permitting its storage but no further processing).

  • To object to direct marketing (including profiling) (not relevant for this project) and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics.

  • Not to be subject to decisions based purely on automated processing where it produces a legal or similarly significant effect on you (not relevant for this project)


If you would like to ask for information held, for your data to be rectified or deleted or for restriction of processing, please fill in your details below. We will confirm receipt of the request. In order to process your request, the data will be shared with the Department for Education who manages the data. This is necessary because the Centre does not have access to your identifying information. The information requested is needed to match you to your information in the dataset to fulfil your request. Once the Department for Education has provided us with the necessary information to fulfil your request (either which rows of data to delete or rectify, a new data extract or the information held about you depending on the type of request), we will complete the request and inform you once it has been completed.

Upon response of the DfE the information in this form will only be used for the purpose of fulfilling your request and will be deleted within 3 months from What Works for Children’s Social Care.