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WYSTC 2019 Feedback form

WYSTC 2019 Feedback Form

How would you rate the following elements of WYSTC 2019? *This question is required.
Space Cell ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery Poor
Overall experience
Trading opportunities
Quality of business contacts
Quantity of new business contacts
Reinforcing existing business contacts
Education programme (seminars/workshops)
Social events
Showcasing the destination
The overall programme mix
The online registration process
Communications (email, social media, website)
Pocket programme
Organisation of the event
Value for money
Promotion & visibility of sponsors
Customer service from event staff
1. How likely is it that you would recommend attending WYSTC to a colleague or business contact?
On a scale of 0 being not likely at all to recommend, to 10 being extremely likely to recommend. *This question is required.
Please provide feedback on the seminars that you attended:
Space Cell ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery PoorI did not attend
Opening and Welcome l David Chapman
Keynote: Travel in divisive times l Pauline Frommer
Market trends: International buyer perspectives l Liam Doyle, Rafael Espinoza, Twiggy Scheck, Julian Lawman
Emerging destinations for student & youth travel l Zaynab Ifthikhar, Khaled Jadallah
Being ready for the Asian market by digitising l Matt Cuckston
Safety: Who defines it and how do we measure it? l Tom Jenkins, Joël Marier, Andrew Procter, Christina Thomas
Towards a Youth Travel Charter l Anna Zanghi
Scaling up your business l Vicki Cunningham, Michael Weiss, Anne Dolan, Lauren Groves
Pre-Keynote: The good practice, the bad trends, and the ugly gaps: The state of mobile in travel l Kevin O'Shaughnessy
Keynote: From backpacker to CEO: How traveling made me a better entrepreneur l Gillian Morris
Exchange Visitor Program update l Carye Duffin, Karen Hawkins, Henry Scott
State of play: Youth mobility and cultural exchangel Mark Overmann, Ilir Zherka, Jen Woodbridge, Kate Howe, Rafael Zelmann
Dr. Taleb Rifai Outstanding Volunteer Award sponsored by The Green Lion l David Chapman, Ashwin Rao
Building innovative experiences with partners l Janice Sousa, Phil Netherton, Fabio Monteiro, Melina Saccal
Developing bi-lateral agreements for youth mobility l Roswitha Diehl-Maclean, Dr Urs Obrist, Ambassador Júlio Vilela, Clark Goodman
Branding and marketing for gen Z l Jason Rieff, Anna Fawcett
Please provide feedback on the workshops that you attended:
Space Cell ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery PoorI did not attend
New trends in mobile tech: Beyond booking to notification-commerce and journey service l Kevin O'Shaughnessy
Digitising group travel to analyse your business and predict traveller behaviour l Janice Sousa
Educating young consumers about responsible travel l Lauren Groves
How to use video to reach youth travellers on social media l Abby Holland
How operators can benefit from technology during the sales phase l Marc Buchegger
Developing lifetime destination advocates through study abroad: Study Auckland l Henry Matthews
Work & travel and culture exchange opportunities in China for young travellers l Hazel Yao
Targeting Canadian youth for work and travel opportunities l Liz Hong-Farrell
Tour operator? Amplify your activities with bitemojo l Michael Weiss
Assessing the safety, quality and educational content of your programmes l Ana Eseverri Mayer, Cecilia Gámez Campanella
Travel insurance, integral to the ethos of the youth travel industry l Dave O'Malley
Interrailing: Why wingin' it won't work l Donal McKenna
Empowering underprivileged Muslim women in Sri Lanka through tourism l Amit Sondhi
Launching a new adventure travel destination: South Korea l Alex Seigel
B Corps: Towards a new business civilization l Agustina Gutiérrez
Why travel is good for the environment l Francis Altena
Please provide feedback on the social events that you attended:
Space Cell ExcellentGoodAveragePoorVery PoorI did not attend
First-timers food tour by bitemojo
SANDEMANs walking tours
WYSE Members reception at the Altis Grand Hotel
Welcome reception at Estufa Fria
WYSE Member and Buyer reception at CCL
Global Youth Travel Awards at the SUD Lisboa
After Party at the SUD Lisboa
The sponsored conference bar at the Altis Grand Hotel
Please rank your best WYSTC experiences (only select those that apply to you). Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
Are you a.....? *This question is required.