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Early Childhood Screening Training Mankato 2019

Early Childhood Screening (ECS) Training Roseville 2020

Please complete the registration below for the Early Childhood Screening (ECS) Training Roseville 2020, sponsored by the Minnesota Departments of Education and Health. This live, interactive training provides an overview of the required areas of Early Childhood Screening. Topics may include: equitable outreach and screening practices, case studies in developmental and social emotional screening and referral, effective follow up practices, dual language learners, leadership and strategies for system changes, approved social emotional and development screening instruments, annual reporting and program administration. Five contact hours or CEU's will be awarded for this training. For vision and hearing training screeners should attend the MDH workshops at:   

Date: April 9, 2020
Location: Rooms 15-16 Conference Center B, 1500 Highway 36 West, Roseville, MN 55113
Fee: Free
Lunch: On your own. A list of nearby restaurants will be provided.
Registration/Network/Check-in - 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Training Time:  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Park: Parking is available in the lot West of Conference Center B.

7. How long have you been an ECS Coordinator or Screener?  *This question is required.
8. Please check your title- check all that apply. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
10. Who provides vision and hearing components of screening in your district? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
11. Please mark your top four training needs: *This question is required.