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RPP Strategy Proposal Process

RPP Strategy Proposal Process

Please refer to the dates below regarding Q4 submissions:
  • 2/19/2020: Final date for the grantee to submit the preliminary proposal through the weblink
  • 2/21/2020: Technical review of proposals must all be completed by Workgroup co-chairs
  • 2/25/2020: Grantee response to technical review items is due
  • 3/4/2020: Evidence-Based Workgroup triad group(s) review(s) due
  • 3/11/2020: The grantee's revisions of the proposal are due
  • 3/18/2020: The full Workgroup reviews the proposal(s) ahead of Q4 meeting
  • 3/19/2020: The full Workgroup meets to review proposals and prepare recommendations to the Program Manager
Who should we reach out to if we have questions on this submission? *This question is required.
1. RPP Strategy Proposal Process Form Upload
Thank you for providing supporting documentation to this form below, if needed.
Supporting documents: Question 4
Please upload any documents to support your response to question 4 on the "RPP Strategy Proposal Process" form.
Supporting documents: Question 5a.
Please select the response you entered on the "RPP Strategy Proposal Process" form to upload supporting documentation if needed
Option A:
Please provide links to the website or documents that describe the evidence-base of your requested strategy below:
Option B:
Please provide links to the relevant articles below:
2. Please upload any supporting documents for Option C.