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Pogo Venus MVP Spotlight

Building the future of Pogo together

Together with the Pogo community, we’re working hard to build the reimagined Pogo experience you’ve been asking for!! 

Providing feedback on Pogo Early Access is entirely optional, but always appreciated. Please fill this form out only once. 

If you have any questions, take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thread on the Forums for more information or reach out to Pogo_Lama in the Forums
3. How would you rate your overall experience with the early access site today?
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
5. Did you ever experience any technical issues while you were playing?
7. We added a site tutorial on the Homepage, Challenge Central, and on the Game Pages (the page on the website when you navigate to a specific game). What did you think about the tutorial and Joyce?
8. The "Challenge Central" refers to the page on the website when you navigate to challenges.

Did you ever visit the Challenge Central?
Please rate how much you agree with the following statements about the Challenge Central page
Space Cell I strongly disagreeI disagreeNeutral or no opinionI agreeI strongly agree
The Challenges section of the game details page was useful
The Game Details page was useful
9. Was it clear that the red dot on your avatar was a notification?
10. What did you think of the new Club Pogo benefits page?
This question requires a valid email address.