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MAC New/Returning Member Survey


Thanks for your interest in MAC! We're really excited to kick this year off and start building our community!

This survey has two purposes: 

1) Gather feedback from previous/returning members that can be used to improve the overall function of the club and align it more closely with what members want.
2) Give new members an idea of what to expect and to prime them before the new member meeting and first trip. 

Instructions: MAC students should be the primary survey takers, but parents should sit in as well so as to be in the loop. 
Important facts:

1) The new member meeting is on Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7-9pm, via Zoom. Prospective new members are required to attend this meeting before joining the club. Current/returning members are encouraged to attend so that new members can meet them.

2) The MAC Kick-Off Trip to Leavenworth for camping, climbing, and hiking is September 26-27. All members, new and returning, are encouraged to attend this trip. New members can attend the trip without finalizing their enrollment in the club to test things out. 

3) Enrollment for MAC is not yet open. Enrollment will be opened after the new member meeting and will remain open through the end of October. 
5. Are you a new or returning member? *This question is required.