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Pogo Venus R2 Spotlight

We're interested in what you do on the early access Pogo site and what is interesting to you! Providing feedback on Pogo Early Access is entirely optional, but always appreciated

If you have any questions, please post on the Pogo Early Access forums.
3. How would you rate your overall experience with the early access site today?
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
5. Did you ever experience any technical issues while you were playing?
6. What is your favorite feature on the new Early Access site?
9. Did you go to Challenge Central?
10. Do you interact with other players on Pogo?
Where do you interact with them? (Please select all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
What is your favorite interaction?
11. Are you a new Pogo Player?
Is this your first time here?
Where did you come from?
Are you a registered player? (You registered for Pogo with your email)
Are you a Club player? (You have a Pogo subscription)
Are you a former Club player? (Used to have a Club account but did not renew)
Are you a current Club Pogo player? (Currently have a Club Pogo subscription)