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Consolidated Plan Questionnaire

Over the next five years the Department of Housing and Urban Development is expected to invest nearly $9 million dollars into Fort Collins through CDBG and HOME funds. These dollars can be used for affordable housing, homelessness, supportive services, economic development, and community development. Your participation in this survey is vital to our ability to identify the highest need areas and direct resources to them.
We appreciate your time!

PART 1: Tell us about community needs.
When answering the questions keep in mind what you think Fort Collins needs over the next five years, rather than what currently exists, particularly as it pertains to the low- moderate-income residents.
1. Community Needs

Rank your priority of these categories of community need:
Space Cell HighMediumLowNo NeedDon't Know
Affordable Housing: Housing specifically for people with low and moderate incomes.
Homelessness: Facilities and services for people experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Services: Childcare, job training, transportation assistance, mental and physical health care, etc.
Economic Development: Employment and business support.
Community Development: Streets, parks, water and sewer lines, sidewalks, energy conservation, etc.
2. Housing Concerns

Rank your perception of the need to address the following housing issues faced by Fort Collins residents:
Space Cell HighMediumLowNo NeedDon't Know
Unsafe/poor neighborhood conditions
Unsafe/poor housing conditions
Overcrowded conditions
Affordable rental housing
Affordable homeownership
Affordable housing not near services