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2020 Thompson Prize Nomination Form

The Thompson Prize Selection Committee, appointed by the Chair of the AUPHA Board of Directors, will evaluate the nominations.  

Please complete and submit the following form no later than May 15, 2020 for consideration. Please contact Chris Anne Sanyer, Director of Membership, if you have any questions. 
1. Nominator Contact Information *This question is required.
Space Cell Response
Email address
Phone Number
2. Nominee contact Information *This question is required.
Space Cell Response
Email address
Phone Number
3. Upload Nominee's Curriculum Vitae *This question is required.
4. Upload Nomination Letter - The letter from the nominator should not be more than five pages and should outline the nominee’s contributions to the field of health administration education broadly defined. *This question is required.
5. Upload Nominee's Statement - The statement from the nominee should not be more than three pages and should outline their overall accomplishments in the field of health administration education (e.g. research, teaching, and leadership) *This question is required.
6. Upload Sample Publication #1
7. Upload Sample Publication #2
8. Upload high resolution head shot of Nominee *This question is required.