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9915 ISTH Podcast 1


2. What is your role in the care of individuals with hemophilia? Select all that apply
5. Please rate your KNOWLEDGE of why AAV has emerged as the predominant platform currently for hemophilia gene therapy trials: *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 - Not Relevant1 - Lowest2 - Low3 - Moderate4 - High5 - Highest
Before the Activity
After the Activity
6. Please rate your ABILITY to describe advantages and limitations associated AAV-mediated gene transfer for hemophilia: *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 - Not Relevant1 - Lowest2 - Low3 - Moderate4 - High5 - Highest
Before the Activity
After the Activity
7. Do you intend to make changes or apply new knowledge to your practice as a result of this activity? *This question is required.
Please check off what you intend to do differently or incorporate into your clinical management of patients as a result of this educational activity.
9. Was the format of this educational activity appropriate for the content presented? *This question is required.
10. Did this educational activity meet your learning needs? *This question is required.
13. Was this activity scientifically sound and free of commercial bias or influence? *This question is required.