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9915 ISTH Podcast 2


2. What is your role in the care of individuals with hemophilia? Select all that apply
5. Please rate your KNOWLEDGE of why preexisting immunity is a complicating factor for AAV-mediated gene transfer in patients with hemophilia: *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 - Not Relevant1 - Lowest2 - Low3 - Moderate4 - High5 - Highest
Before the Activity
After the Activity
6. Please rate your ABILITY to describe advantages and limitations associated AAV-mediated gene transfer for hemophilia: *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 - Not Relevant1 - Lowest2 - Low3 - Moderate4 - High5 - Highest
Before the Activity
After the Activity
7. Do you intend to make changes or apply new knowledge to your practice as a result of this activity? *This question is required.
Please check off what you intend to do differently or incorporate into your clinical management of patients as a result of this educational activity.
9. Was the format of this educational activity appropriate for the content presented? *This question is required.
10. Did this educational activity meet your learning needs? *This question is required.
13. Was this activity scientifically sound and free of commercial bias or influence? *This question is required.