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Free Accessibility Assessment

Accessibility Assessment

Digital accessibility requires coordinated effort across your organisation. What’s your strategy?

Excellence in digital accessibility requires more than just a test or an audit. It’s far more strategic. All your relevant teams need the right skills, mindset and leadership to be capable of delivering the accessibility you desire.

This survey is a free, anonymous tool based on our Accessibility Assessment service. It analyses your organisation’s digital accessibility capability across six scales, including project activities, management practices, performance measurement, and more.

Based on our work with hundreds of clients over 20 years, it will identify where you’re strong and where you need to improve.

You'll get your results immediately after completing this survey. This will include your Capability Radar and overall Capability Score. You'll also get scores for Design and Business Management which we'll classify as one of our four defined Experience Types.

A small view of sample assessment outputs, including a spider graph, four-quadrant graph, and individual scores with descriptions.

We will also be writing a research report later in 2021 based on the anonymous findings, which you can optionally choose to receive.

This free tool has 30 assessment questions and should take you about 10-15 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions please contact us at or +44 (0)117 929 7333.