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Please complete the survey. There is no obligation to submit it, but please submit it if you wish to start a conversation about this opportunity. Thank you.
2. This could be a good opportunity if you're genuinely motivated to help people become more successful. How important is that to you? *This question is required.
3. To some extent, this opportunity requires you to be a pioneer, working with new ideas in the fields of personal and organisational change.  Do you like being at the growing edge of new ideas, or do you prefer to work with ideas that are already well established? *This question is required.
4. This opportunity provides the option to recoup all your training costs during the training period. However, to do this you need to be good at getting paying clients. How would you rate your ability to attract new clients? *This question is required.
5. This opportunity allows you to work online (or in-person, if you will).  Are you okay about working online? *This question is required.
7. This opportunity has the possibility of creating both active and passive income streams. How important is that to you? *This question is required.
8. This opportunity has no franchise fees, low annual licensing fees, and we do not require a percentage of your earnings. is this information important to you? *This question is required.
Not reallyMaybeYes, very important
9. Your Details
This question requires a valid email address.