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2020 Specialized High School Admissions Test Parent Test Views

Basic Information

Thank you for requesting to view a copy of your child's Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT). A test view affords the opportunity to view your child’s answer sheet and test booklet and see the answers that he or she selected during the test administration.

The health and safety of all of our students and families continues to be our first priority in the wake of the evolving situation around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in New York City. In light of this evolving situation, test view period scheduled for April & May, 2020 is temporarily postponed. Please complete this form to request a test view, and we will provide updates via email.

NOTE: This form is only to submit a request to view your child’s test. More information about how to schedule an appointment will be sent within a week. 
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5. Please select your child's school affiliation *This question is required.
6. Please select your child's grade
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