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DVNC Community Survey 2020

Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre Survey

Thank you for completing this survey, it will help the Neighbourhood Centre to provide programs and services that meet identified community needs.
We really need your feedback.
If you complete this survey and provide contact details, you will go into the draw to win one of three $50 Visa Gift cards
1. Are you familiar with the Dingley Village Neighbourhood Centre? 
2. Do you currently (within the past 12 months) use the Neighbourhood Centre?
3. If you answered yes please tick what you used the Neighbourhood Centre for (please select all that apply)
4. If you have not used the Neighbourhood Centre in the past 12 months, have you ever?
7. Would you like to see the Neighbourhood Centre provide the following? Please select all that apply?
10. Do you read the Dingley Dossier?
11. Does the Dingley Dossier provide relevant information about what is happening in the village?
We need to know a bit about you to help with planning. 
15. What is your age?
16. Contact details to go into draw for $50 Visa Gift Card (optional)