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Records Disposition Form

Records Disposition Form


Records Disposition Request

This form is intended for internal use by all DEP staff for the purpose of requesting and tracking the disposal of official records that have met their required retention schedules and exceeded their administrative usefulness. 
  • This form may be used to request disposition of up to 10 records series'
  • Please fill in all information as completely and accurately as possible
  • After submission, the Records Retention Liaison (RRL) in your Division/District/Office (RRL) will conduct a first level review.  If approved, it will be reviewed by the DEP Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO).
  • If disposition is denied you will receive an email stating why and advised of next appropriate actions
  • If disposition is approved you will receive an email confirming the date and providing any additional instructions
Contact your Records Retention Liaison (RRL), or the DEP Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO), if you have questions or need assistance.
 Contact Information Person requesting disposition of records
This question requires a valid email address.
Who should conduct a first level review of this request? *This question is required.If you aren't sure, contact your RRL to determine the appropriate local designee.