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Target Setting Feedback Form 2020



Local Government Victoria (LGV) as the stewards of the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) are taking the first steps for the introduction of performance targets into the framework. 

We have identified your council as one that uses targets in some capacity in your planning and reporting. As such, we are interested in understanding how you plan, set, monitor and report on these targets. 

The following pages include:
  • a combination of questions for you to answer; 
  • items that we wish your feedback on; and,
  • an opportunity to test a proposed template.
There are no right or wrong answers, and we are simply trying to gain a better understanding of how councils are typically using targets at the moment and what lessons we can take from your experience in applying target methodology to the entire sector. 

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and your feedback will assist us in designing and preparing target setting methodology and tools. Please note, your responses will be confidential between LGV and your council. LGV may contact you to delve deeper into any challenges or questions you may have. Your aggregated responses may also be provided to the Steering Committee as feedback. 

Please note, this feedback form has been optimised for use on a laptop or PC. 

Before we begin, we just need to confirm your details:
This question requires a valid email address.
Thanks! You can always save and return to this form at any time. The next page will explore your council's experience with setting and reporting targets.
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