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Covid-19 Survey


This anonymous survey has the goal of collecting information from individuals who believe that there is a possibility that they have experienced illness symptoms as a result of being infected with the coronavirus Covid-19.

The survey was developed by Lisa Petrison, Ph.D, and is presented by Paradigm Change.

About The Illness:

Covid-19 may manifest differently in different people, depending on the level of severity and other factors. 

Therefore, please go ahead and fill out this survey if you have experienced any kind of acute viral-type illness since October 1, 2019, even if you are not convinced that it was Covid-19 rather than something else. 

Also, if you had an illness prior to October 1, 2019, and believe that it may have been Covid-19, please feel free to fill out the questionnaire focusing on that illness. 

More information about the survey may be found at this link:

Although you may take the survey on a smart phone or pad, a desktop or laptop computer may be much faster if you have one available.

All questions in the survey are optional. 

Thank you very much for participating in this survey!

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