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6. Numeroteaza, de la 1 la 4 (1-cel mai des, 4- cel mai rar) frecventa cu care folosesti bicicleta: *This question is required. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
7. Folosesti bicicleta: *This question is required.
8. Numeroteaza de la 1 la 3 (1-cel mai des, 3- cel mai rar) zonele in mergi pe bicicleta in oras: Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
11. Folosesti casca de protectie?
12. Preferati bicicleta altor mijloace de transport pentru ca:
13. Numerotati in ordinea importantei (1-cel mai important, 4-cel mai putin important) elementele care v-ar facilita utilizarea bicicletei ca mijloc de transport in mediul urban: Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
14. Obisnuiesti sa te plimbi cu bicicleta alaturi de alti prieteni? Daca da, cat de mare este grupul?
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