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April 2020 Pulse Check

Overall Context

Thank you for your interest in this survey. This survey has been commissioned by Market Junctions as part of a larger study on work and personal resilience.

If you have any questions please email Kyle Okimoto at or call 917-673-8524.

Your response will be kept confidential and will not be used for sales in any way.
1. Compared to other people you know, how prepared were you for this crisis? *This question is required.
4. Which of the following have happened to you during this crisis? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) *This question is required.
5. Which of the following best describes your current stress level over the past week? *This question is required.
6. Overall, how does your stress level now compare to your stress level prior to this crisis? *This question is required.
7. As a result of the crisis, my income and near-term earning potential have...
8. Which of the following best describes your occupation(s) prior to the crisis? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) *This question is required.