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Continuing Education Credit — April 2020

As a subscriber to, you can earn up to 12 hours of CE credit from the CFP Board and the Investments & Wealth Institute.

Please read the articles and answer the questions below. To find the related article, click on the hyperlinked title of the story – both online-only articles as well as stories published in the magazine.

You must answer 8 of the 10 questions correctly to qualify for CE credit.

Financial Planning does not provide a certificate of completion. Please take a screenshot of the confirmation from the results page for your records. Financial Planning reports results to the CFP Board weekly. The board may take an additional two weeks to post results.

If you need assistance, please contact Arizent customer service at, 212.803.8500.
1. At what time must IRA owner begin to take RMDs, per the Secure Act? *This question is required.
2. For which clients would the maximum age for RMDs apply? *This question is required.
3. What is the final deadline for the required beginning date for RMDs? *This question is required.
4. When a retirement account owner dies prior to their RMD start date and has named a nondesignated beneficiary, the beneficiary must distribute all assets in the account within how many years? *This question is required.
5. Per the calculations given, what would the balance of a client’s large-cap stock portfolio be on Dec. 31, 2019, if she started withdrawing from a portfolio with a starting balance of $250,000 on Jan. 1, 2000, assuming a 5% initial withdrawal and 3% COLA for the 19 annual withdrawals? *This question is required.
6. Per FINRA rule 2150(c), registered reps are prohibited from sharing in the profits or losses in a customer’s account, unless: *This question is required.
7. Which rule stipulates that all written customer complaints must be kept and preserved? *This question is required.
8. To be eligible as a 1031 exchange, fractional real estate investments need to be shares in which of the below? *This question is required.
9. If a client is forced to sell her land because the government is looking to build a road on it, how many years do they have to either reinvest the money in real estate or pay a capital gains tax, per eminent domain rules?   *This question is required.
10. Which of these can be converted into a joint account? *This question is required.
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