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WDIV - Coronavirus coverage feedback

Reader Feedback

Help improve coronavirus coverage 
Evaluate our reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic and share ideas on how we can better inform you and the community.  
Rating Coverage 

These structured questions help us get a clear grade and monitor performance over time. Your responses will help us improve. 
4. How are we doing covering the coronavirus crisis? Rate us on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst possible rating and 10 the highest. 
5. Do you agree with these statements? 
Space Cell Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree
WDIV keeps me informed about coronavirus keeps me informed about coronavirus
I understand what's happening with this crisis
I can find answers to my questions about the crisis
Our Reporting
A few more things ...
10. Can we contact you about your answers?
This question requires a valid email address.
Optional - Your info

We use these responses to better interpret the results. It's not for marketing, and certainly wouldn't sell or give your data to other businesses or organizations.
11. Help us better understand results by sharing some information about yourself. All questions are optional. If you share contact information, we may follow up on your responses to gain more insight. 
12. Age
13. Income
14. Education
15. Gender
16. Marital status