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Using hotels during the pandemic

Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer a brief survey about how your agency is using, or would like to use hotels and motels during COVID-19. We appreciate all that you do!
1. Do you currently use hotels or motels to shelter survivors? *This question is required.
2. Are you interested in learning how your agency might benefit from using hotels or motels?
2. Were you using hotels before the pandemic?
2. What has changed for your hotel program since the pandemic?
2. Do you have written policies and procedures your staff follow when using hotels and motels for shelter?
2. Have you revised any of your policies or procedures to reflect considerations around COVID-19?
2. Would you be interested in sharing these policies? We're compiling best practices for agencies interested in starting their own programs. Your experiences greatly help other agencies.
Thank you! Please send any policies, procedural information, or anything you believe might be useful, to
2. How does your agency pay for hotel or motel stays? *This question is required.
2. Would you be interested in attending a webinar on using hotels to support your shelter programs?
3. Are you, or is someone on your staff, interested in sharing your agency’s best practices in a future webinar?
3. Thank you for your interest! Please share your, or your team member's contact information and we'll be in touch. *This question is required.