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COVID Recovery Questions

COVID Recovery Questions

Every organization is coping with a new reality. Some organizations have quickly assessed their changed situation, made decisions and started executing changes. Others have barely begun to adjust to this new environment. Although we’re all moving at various speeds and trajectories, we are all moving through the same recovery framework.

This path is not linear and you may find you and your organization may ebb and flow through the various stages. We are interested to understand your organizationscurrent state as it relates to these five stages and would appreciate if you would answer these five questions.  It will only take two minutes to complete and we will share the results with you. 

Estimated time to complete = 1-2 minutes
1. Industry (Pick one) *This question is required.
2. Please identify the stage that you feel your organization is currently primarily situated.  *This question is required.
3. Please identify those stages which you feel you have transitioned through. Pick all that apply. *This question is required.
4. In your estimation, what time frame do you think you will move into the next phase? Choose one: *This question is required.
6. Enter your contact details so we'll know where to send the results.
This question requires a valid email address.