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COVID-19 Revenue and Cost Impacts

Please have only one person per entity complete this survey.
1. Contact Information *This question is required.
2. Please indicate the service represented (check all that apply) *This question is required.
3. Please indicate the type of provider *This question is required.
4. This Section is about Revenue trends - measured by your daily or weekly billings in month
: - Use Fee For Service Billing/Gross Charges to indicate impact in each of the following payer classes.
  *This question is required.
Space Cell Commercial Insurance Billed RevenueMedicare Billed RevenueMedicaid Billed RevenueSelf Pay Billed RevenueTotal Insurance Billed Revenue
Jan (Jan 2020)
Feb (Feb 2020)
Mar (March 2020)
Apr (April 2020)
5. This section is about Medicare Stimulus Funds *This question is required.
6. This section is about the Payroll Protection Program and Unemployment
7. This section is about events you or your entity may have had to change as a result of the COVID crisis
Note: Events may include planned education sessions, conferences, Continuing Education, etc
** Please only respond if added costs or lost revenue has occurred as a result of the COVID crisis or Emergency Order
8. This section is about added costs resulting from the COVID crisis
9. Costs continued: if you have hired additional staff as a result of the COVID-19, what type of staff did you hire and how many of each did you hire?
* Please only respond if you have hired additional staff as a result of the COVID crisis or Emergency Order
10. Staff Impacts: Describe the dollar value of any cuts/reductions ALREADY made in the following areas
11. Staff Impacts: Describe the dollar value of FURTHER cuts/reductions necessary to survive through October