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DL Logic Model Feedback Survey

Study Overview & Information on DL logic model

We invite you to engage with us on a recently developed theory of change logic model for dual language (DL) schools. Abt Associates is evaluating New Mexico Charter Schools with support from Arnold Ventures. Abt’s partners in the study are Public Charter Schools of New Mexico; Dual Language Education of New Mexico (DLeNM); and Dr. Elizabeth R. Howard at the University of Connecticut. To learn more about the study click here.

A valuable contribution of the study has been the development of a draft theory of change logic model for DL. The study team used the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (3rd edition) as a framework during the development process.  We are excited to share our current version of this DL logic model  for our community’s feedback.

The DL  logic model consists of 4 primary areas: inputs, precursors, core activities and facilitators, and outcomes. The key stakeholders are principals/school staff, teachers, students, families, and community members. See below for the video of the lead authors of the logic model discussing the purpose of the DL logic model and conducting a walkthrough of the logic model.

Any questions about this study or the logic model can be addressed to the Abt study team’s implementation lead, Jackie Mendez, at 617-520-3621 or

Once you’ve viewed the video we would greatly appreciate your feedback on the DL logic model.  

As you review the DL logic model please keep the following questions in mind:
  1. Did we capture the key areas in the inputs, precursors, core activities and facilitators, and the outcomes?
  2. Is there anything we should add?
  3. Is there anything in the logic model that feels unnecessary or doesn’t make sense?
  4. How do you see this logic model being useful for the DL field?   
  5. We encourage you to first view the logic model and then watch the video (links above). We’ll be interested in learning whether your review of the logic model matched the interpretation in the video?                   

If you agree to provide feedback on the DL logic model please click NEXT.

See below to view the video of the DL Logic model presentation.