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Business and Property Owner Participation Survey - Odana and East Towne Area Plans

The City of Madison has initiated studies in two key areas within the City, the Odana and East Towne Area Plans. This initiative is intend at identifying the public's thoughts and input for the long-term vision of these critical economic engines of the City. As part of the engagement process, the City of Madison has consulted local planning and economic professionals with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) to specifically engage the business community (including  business/property owners and tenants) as part of the overall engagement process.

Please help by participating in this process. Several engagement events are planned, including roundtables, public meetings, and a symposium. To participate in these upcoming events, we need to collect some preliminary information from you in order to communicate these events to you. Please help us by completing this brief initial survey.

Further information on both the Odana and East Towne Area Plans, including detailed study area boundaries, can be found on the following links:
6. Do you own property in either the Odana or East Towne Planning Areas?
7. Do you own a business and/or are you a tenant in either the Odana or East Towne Planning Areas?
8. What is the primary use of your property/business?  Check all that apply:
9. How long have you owned property and/or owned/operated a business in either the Odana and East Towne Planning Areas?