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Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Practice Quiz 4

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Practice Quiz 4

1. What is the process of granting access to resources?
2. Alice is the CEO for a software company; she is considering migrating the operation from the current traditional on-premises environment into the cloud. Which cloud service model should she most likely consider for her company’s purposes?
3. Which of the following is not an element of the identification component of identity and access management (IAM)?
4. What is the term that describes the situation when a malicious user or attacker can exit the restrictions of a virtual machine (VM) and access another VM residing on the same host?
5. Which of the following is not a method for enhancing data portability?
6. The physical layout of a cloud data center campus should include redundancies of all the following except ___________________.

7. Which of the following is perhaps the best method for reducing the risk of a specific application not delivering the proper level of functionality and performance when it is moved from the traditional environment into the cloud?

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