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DevLearn 2020 Morning Buzz Submission

Morning Buzz discussions take place each morning from 7:30 – 8:15am. They're informal conversations around a key L&D topic where everyone in the room can share their questions, insights, and tips while also learning from one another’s experiences. As the topic proposer, your role isn't to present to the room but instead to just help facilitate the group discussion.

Because Morning Buzz discussions are guided conversations rather than presentations, when considering what to propose it's best to go with broader topics that can lead to great discussions rather than the more focused topics that might be better suited to a traditional conference talk.

For more ideas on what makes a good Morning Buzz topic and how broad to go with your idea, consider browsing through the sessions we shared at DevLearn 2019.

2. Are there any DevLearn 2020 dates you're NOT able to facilitate a Morning Buzz?

If you're available all three days, just skip this section.
3. Facilitator Information *This question is required.