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Business Process Analysis for Trade Facilitation Course (Module 1 - 3) - CHINESE VERSION


Thank you for your interest in the UNNExT E-Learning Series on Business Process Analysis for Trade Facilitation. Please ensure you have thoroughly reviewed the course material (available here, including a study guide) before taking the test. 

感谢您对UNNExT贸易便利化的业务流程分析 网络课程的兴趣。请确保您在参加测试之前,已经完整的学习了课程资料(此处有链接,包含学习指南)。

This quiz will test your knowledge on the first 3 Modules of the course as follows: 
Module 1: BPA for Trade Facilitation: An Introduction
Module 2: BPA for Trade Facilitation: Unified Modeling Language
Module 3: BPA for Trade Facilitation: Project and Scope Setting


If your score on this first quiz is equal or greater than 75%, you will automatically receive an email with the link to the second quiz to test your knowledge on Module 4 to 6. You will be awarded a Certificate from United Nations ESCAP for the course if you achieve a score equal or greater than 75% in the second quiz. 

如果您答对了75%的题目,您将会收到一封自动生成的邮件,邮件会提供第二个测试 (第四至六节)的链接。 如果第二个测试您也答对了75%的题目,您将会受到联合国亚太经社署就此课程颁发的证书。

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