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Reopen Placer - Resources survey

Reopen Placer Survey

1. Was your business impacted due to Placer County being placed on the State of California’s monitoring list earlier this month? *This question is required.
3. Are you aware of the ‘Reopen Placer’ resources available at *This question is required.

Which of these Reopen Placer website resources helped your business?

(Select all that apply)

*This question is required.
5. How would you rate the Reopen Placer resources? *This question is required.
5. If you downloaded and posted Reopen Placer posters in your business, were the posters helpful communicating messages to your customers and employees? *This question is required.
5. Did your business receive PPE from your local chamber or city? *This question is required.
6. How would you rate the supply of PPE received? *This question is required.
6. Are you aware of the Sierra Small Business Development Center? *This question is required.
7. Are you a member of your local Chamber of Commerce, is so, which? *This question is required.
8. Do you follow the Placer Business Resource Center on social media? *This question is required.

Which BRC social media platforms do you follow? (Choose all that apply)

*This question is required.