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2020 Equity and Excellence: A Virtual Professional Development - Overall Feedback

Thank you for participating in Equity and Excellence 2020: A Virtual Event from AHEAD. Please take a few minutes to share feedback on your experience with the conference to inform our engagement efforts in the future. While we very much look forward to being together in-person next July in Austin, Texas, in this new world, we know there will be more necessity and opportunity for online events. Your thoughts are very appreciated.

Please respond to the following statements:
1. The topic(s) selected for the conference will inform my practice, i.e., are applicable to my work.
2. The registration cost was reasonable.
3. The event schedule worked well for me.
4. In general, the technology worked effectively for me.
5. I plan to watch the recordings of sessions I couldn’t attend live.
6. Even when we can gather physically, a professional development event like this (multiple weeks of several sessions/day) would be interesting to me.