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St. Mark's Return Survey

Your response to this survey will help us gauge how many people would like to join us for in-person worship this Fall.

If you haven't already done so, please take a look at the chart summarizing "St. Mark's Return Policy." This is a fluid document that will be updated according to the phases and recommendations in Illinois. (The complete policy is available on our website.)

After reviewing the policy, please fill out this quick survey to let us know whether or not you plan to attend in-person worship.

Your response will not affect our online services; we will continue to offer online worship!

Thank you for helping us prepare for this Fall and how we will gather as a community.
1. When we open St. Mark's for in-person worship, will you attend? (Your answers do not commit you to anything; they are simply a reflection of where you stand right now.) *This question is required.
2. How often would you plan to come? (This is not a reservation, simply to help us with planning.)
2. Would you like to be involved as a Hospitality Team member (i.e., check-in greeter or usher)?
2. I like the online services, and I feel fulfilled by what is currently offered. (Check as many as are appropriate.)
2. I want to come to worship, but I'm uncomfortable with: (check as many as are appropriate)