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USET COVID-19 teleECHO Evaluation Survey

Cardea Services 

Questions about this evaluation? Call 206-447-9538 or email

We hope you found this educational offering both interesting and informative. Your anonymous responses will be used to plan future educational activities.

Note: If you want a certificate of completion or continuing education credit, you must complete this evaluation and the subsequent certificate registration screen.

After completing this evaluation, you will be automatically redirected to the certificate registration. Identifying information collected on your certificate registration will not be linked to your evaluation responses. Your evaluation responses are anonymous. 
6. How satisfied are you with this learning activity? *This question is required.
Very satisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery unsatisfied
7.  As a result of this learning activity, how has your knowledge on this topic changed? *This question is required.
Improved a lotImproved a littleStayed the sameGot worse
8. As a result of this learning activity, how likely are you to make a change in your practice? *This question is required.
Why are you unlikely to make a change? *This question is required.
9. As a result of this learning activity, how likely are you to make a suggestion for change to your fellow staff members? *This question is required.
Why are you unlikely to suggest a change? *This question is required.
10. Did you notice any bias in this activity? *This question is required.
11. Do you feel by participating in ECHO, you have greater social support for the work that you do? *This question is required.
13. How likely are you to recommend this learning activity to a colleague? *This question is required.
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
14. Please choose your professional title in order to be directed to the correct certificate:  *This question is required.