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2020 DC Advocacy Partners Application Form

About DCAP

DC Advocacy Partners

2020 Application Form


DC Advocacy Partners (DC AP)
is a leadership training program designed for self-advocates and family members of individuals with intellectual and/or other developmental disabilities. There is no cost to participate in the program. Through this program, you will gain leadership skills and techniques to help develop positive partnerships with elected officials, program administrators, school personnel, and other community leaders. You will become a policy influencer and will interact with policymakers and implementers regarding services that you and/or your family may use. You will be given opportunities to engage in interactive online learning experiences and gain valuable information about current issues, services, and strategies, as well as legislative processes at local and national levels. As a part of this 6-month program, you will become a member of a DC network of community advocates working together to improve opportunities for Washingtonians with disabilities.
DC AP will be virtual in 2020 for health and safety reasons.

Topics to be addressed include: 
  • Disability History and the Disabilities Rights Movement  
  • DC’s Service System & How it Applies to Individuals & Their Families
  • Self-Advocacy vs. Systems Advocacy
  • Inclusive Education & Family Engagement
  • Healthy Living and Mental Health
  • Career Awareness, Planning, & Employment
  • Community Organizing
  • Navigating the Community: Affordable Accessible Housing and Transportation
  • Bonus Event: DC AP Online Happy Hour
  • Bringing it Home: Project Presentations & Graduation
Who can apply: 
  • A person with an intellectual and/or other developmental disability. (See next page for the full “developmental disability” definition); or
  • A family member of someone with an intellectual and/or other developmental disability. “Family” is defined broadly as adults and children related biologically, emotionally, or legally, including single parents, blended families, unrelated individuals living cooperatively, and partnered couples who live with biological, adopted, and foster children.
All participants must be DC residents residing in Wards 5-8, and participants must be adults (ages 18 or up). THE APPLICATION DEADLINE has been extended to Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Feel free to contact Whitney Johnson ( if you have any questions regarding DCAP or the application process. 

The information requested on this application is for the purpose of selecting individuals who meet the criteria for participation in the DC Advocacy Partners program. The list of names and addresses of graduates that is prepared for each graduating class is taken from applications and considered public data under the DC Government Data Practices Act. This list may be requested and will be released upon request.

PLEASE NOTE:  This application is for District of Columbia residents only, residing in Wards 5-8.

Federal Definition of Developmental Disabilities

According to the Developmental Disabilities Act, section 102(8), "the term 'developmental disability' means a severe, chronic disability of an individual 5 years of age or older that:

1. Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
2. Is manifested before the individual attains age 22;
3. Is likely to continue indefinitely;
4. Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity;
                        (i) Self-care;
                        (ii) Receptive and expressive language;
                        (iii) Learning;
                        (iv) Mobility;
                        (v) Self-direction;
                        (vi) Capacity for independent living; and
                        (vii) Economic self-sufficiency.

5. Reflects the individual's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, supports, or other assistance that is of lifelong or extended duration and is individually planned and coordinated, except that such term, when applied to infants and young children means individuals from birth to age 5, inclusive, who have substantial developmental delay or specific congenital or acquired conditions with a high probability of resulting in developmental disabilities if services are not provided."