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MQii Telehealth Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This survey is intended to help us understand how your care team and/or facility were using telehealth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and how these telehealth practices may have changed over this year. The information you provide will be extremely valuable in advancing nutrition care.

For this survey, telehealth refers to team consultation and conferencing, clinical service delivery, education, patient monitoring, and follow-up. It does not refer to patient scheduling or account management processes.

Please email if you have any questions.

1. What is your current clinical designation? *This question is required.
2. Has your hospital treated any COVID-19 patients since February 1, 2020? *This question is required.
Telehealth and Your Institution/System
4. What is your experience with telehealth prior to and during/after COVID-19 pandemic (February 1, 2020)? Please check the appropriate box.
Space Cell YesNoDon't Know
Prior to the pandemic, did your institution provide access to telehealth?
During/after the pandemic, does your institution now provide access to telehealth?
Prior to the pandemic, had nutrition care been delivered to patients via telehealth?
During/after the pandemic, is there now access to nutrition care for patients via telehealth?
Prior to the pandemic, had you personally used a form of telehealth to deliver patient care?
During/after the pandemic, have you personally used a form of telehealth to deliver patient care?
5. If you responded “yes” to Question 4, what forms of telehealth have/has your institution and/or you used for provision of clinical services? Check all that apply.
Space Cell Institution Used Prior to COVID-19Institution Used During/After COVID-19You Used Prior to COVID-19You Used During/After to COVID-19
Live video conferencing
Phone calls
Web-based portals
Remote patient monitoring
Not applicable
6. Have your telehealth platforms/technologies changed over time since the start of the pandemic (February 1, 2020)?
7. If you answered "yes" to Question 6, what are your prior and current forms of telehealth technology? 
9. What were patients/families’ reactions to telehealth prior to and during/after the COVID-19 pandemic? Please check the appropriate boxes to indicate your answer.

Space Cell They like it and use itThey are indifferent toward itThey do not like it or want to use itDon’t know
Prior to COVID-19
During/after COVID-19
10. Do you anticipate that your institution/system might permanently adopt the changes in telehealth it has implemented after the pandemic has resolved?
Telehealth and Nutrition Care
12. What types of nutrition care have your team and/or you been able to provide via telehealth? Check all that apply.
Space Cell Team Provides Via TelehealthYou Provide Via Telehealth
Nutrition screening
Nutrition assessment
Nutrition care plan development
Nutrition counseling
Nutrition education
Nutrition discharge planning
Nutrition supplementation recommendation
Not applicable
13.  Has telehealth impacted the overall nutrition care provided to COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients in your institution?
General Information
19. Please describe your healthcare institution.
20. We would appreciate any other information or observations you may have about the response of hospital nutrition departments to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you would be willing to have a short conversation with one of our team members, please check “yes” below. You may also add comments below. 
21. If you responded "yes" to Question 20, please provide your name, institution, email address, and the best phone number to reach you.