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Library Covid Impact Survey

Covid Impact on Libraries and Market Feedback

You are undoubtedly engaged in many new processes due to the pandemic. We understand that you're working in a very fluid environment and strive to be sensitive to your mission in serving the needs of your institution, faculty, and students. Therefore, we would appreciate your brief responses to the questions below as we aim to better understand your challenges and work towards supporting the changing needs and library environment too.
1. Is your library now open following any Covid lockdown in your region?
2. How have your libraries opening hours been affected?
2. How many hours a week have the library opening hours increased?
2. How many hours a week have the library opening hours decreased?
2. Is your institution assembling collections relating to the COVID19 crisis? 
3. Has your institution’s library budget been affected by COVID19?  
6. If you are happy to confirm your details and those of your institution, please do. Please be assured, your name and contact information are not required fields.