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SIFA v2.020 Event Feedback

Thank you for participating in SIFA V2.020! 

Share with us your thoughts by completing our survey and receive a $5 Festival voucher*!

As Singapore’s annual pinnacle performing arts festival, the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) presents captivating and diverse works across theatre, music, dance, film and visual arts. First launched as the Singapore Festival of Arts in 1977, the festival has gone through several evolutions and inspired generations of arts lovers and practitioners. Today, the highly anticipated festival is a high point on Singapore’s arts and cultural calendar. Under the helm of Festival Director Gaurav Kripalani, SIFA continues its festival mission to champion the creation and presentation of Singaporean and international works.

From May 2020, the Singapore International Festival of Arts goes virtual with the launch of SIFA v2.020. Featuring a line-up of virtual talks, workshops, vodcasts, performances and more, please visit for details.

Spire Research and consulting complies with an industry code of ethical standards, so please  rest assured that your identity and valued insights will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will not be used for any purposes other than feedback for the event. The survey will take 10-15 minutes of your time, and can be resumed any time at your convenience (using the same web browser).

We thank you for participating in this survey.

*Terms and conditions apply. AHL reserves the right to assess and verify the entries as genuine and non-duplicative, and remove entries that are deemed invalid.