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Validation Survey for Organizations

Introduction and Definitions

The National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Countering the US Opioid Epidemic was launched in 2018 as a public-private partnership committed to developing, curating and disseminating multi-sector solutions designed to reduce opioid misuse and improve outcomes for individuals, families and communities affected by the opioid crisis.  The Action Collaborative conducts its work around four core priority areas: Health Professional Education and Training; Pain Management Guidelines and Evidence Standards; Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services; and Research, Data, and Metrics Needs. 

The Health Professional Education and Training Working Group’s focus is to work across key health providers to formulate an interprofessional and harmonized approach to addiction medicine and pain management education, with discipline-specific solutions and strategies for implementation. 

Overview of Literature Review and Validation Survey:
The Health Professional Education and Training workgroup conducted a literature review to achieve one part of its first objective: Identify and highlight professional practice gaps for health care professionals that currently exist in relation to acute and chronic pain management and substance use disorders. 

The desired outcome of the literature review was to determine persistent practice gaps for health care professionals that reflect (1) individual professions; (2) health care teams; and (3) practice settings. The literature review also provided an opportunity to identify areas in which professional practice gaps are poorly understood.  

This survey is being conducted to validate the findings of the literature review and to identify professional practice gaps that may exist, but were not captured in the review across the six (6) previously identified professions:  physicians, registered nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, dentists. The target audience for this survey includes organizations with data and/or evidence-based insights on professional practice gaps related to substance use disorders and pain management. All data will remain confidential and will only be used in aggregate.

Please review the definitions provided below carefully and then proceed to the following pages to answer questions related to
  1. general gaps found in the literature review;  
  2. gaps specific to health education found in the literature review; 
  3. gaps not found in the literature review. 

  1. Professional practice gap (PPG) is defined as:  The difference between what a professional is doing or accomplishing (i.e. performance) compared to what is optimally "achievable on the basis of current professional knowledge.”
  2. Screening/assessment
    • Screening: Strategy used to look for as-yet-unrecognized conditions or risk markers in individuals without signs or symptoms
    • Assessment: Evaluation of a patient using selected skills of history-taking; physical examination, laboratory, imaging, and social evaluation, to achieve a specific goal.
  3. Identification/diagnosis
    • Identification: Defining or ascertaining something.
    • Diagnosis: Determining the nature of a cause of a disease.
  4. Treatment: Prescribing/Tapering Opioids
    • Prescribing: Prescribing opioids for the treatment of acute or chronic pain, or substance use disorders
    • Tapering: Process of tapering opioids for patients with acute or chronic pain, or substance use disorders
  5. Treatment: Prescribing Non-Opioids
    • Prescribing non-opioid medications for the treatment of acute or chronic pain, or substance use disorders
  6. Treatment: Nonpharmacological
    • Prescribing nonpharmacological treatments for patients with acute or chronic pain, or substance use disorders (massage, acupuncture, counseling, biofeedback, exercise)
  7. Monitoring
    • On-going measurement over a period of time
  8. Referral
    • Arrangement for services by another care provider or agency

This survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.