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Ambassador Networking Sessions at PCORI 2020 Annual Meeting

Ambassador Networking Session Registration

Due to technological and scheduling restraints, we are unable to have the annual Ambassador Workshop in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Instead, we will plan to have a virtual Ambassador workshop later this Fall. Please stay tuned for additional workshop information in the coming weeks.

However, we will be having two private networking sessions for the Ambassador Community for the opportunity to connect and engage with each other. The Ambassador networking sessions will take place at the end of both meeting days so as to not overlap with other programming. These Ambassador networking sessions will only have chat functions (no video or audio) which is identical to other programming at the Annual Meeting. 

You can sign up for one or both Ambassador networking sessions below:

1. September 16th from 5:30-6:30PM EST
2. September 17th from 4:30-5:30PM EST 

Please fill out your name, email, and an optional question to pose for the online chat in the networking session. If you have any questions or comments, please email Krista Woodward at
Full Name
3. Note: You will not receive registration links. Krista Woodward will add you to the private Ambassador chat through the Annual Meeting platform. 

I will attend the following Ambassador Program Networking Sessions: