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Job Analysis - GTS 500


In answering the questionnaire, try to put the job in perspective in relation to other jobs in the function/area/division.

Try not to understate or inflate the responses. 

Generally, in answering the questions, consider the jobs most usual assignments and primary responsibilities.

This questionnaire was designed to capture important aspects of work for all positions in the organization. 

Some of the questions may be more applicable to the position than others.  

To ensure objectivity and consistency, it is best practice to answer every question. 

You should expect to spend about 2 hours completing the questionnaire. 

In the responses, indicate the position's requirement only. 

The information will be used to define what is required in the position.  

Thank you 
1. Welcome to the Position Analysis questionnaire.  

We thank you for your time and look forward to your thoughtful feedback.

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