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Lesson 1 Quiz

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The purpose of this quiz is to determine how well you have learned the ideas in the lesson one PowerPoint presentation. The correct answers are posted on the bcEnduranceTrainings website on the Lesson 1 page.  Please check your answers to see how well you have understood the concepts in lesson 1.
2. Which of the following is not one of exertion’s four essential ideas?
3. True/False:  Pace exertion is the effort needed to sustain a pace from moment to moment during a run. 
4. True/False:  we can measure pace exertion on a scale that has five levels: light, steady state, threshold, ragged edge, and maximum. 
5. Which of the following is not one of the components of exertion?
6. Which of the following is not an audible breathing level?
7. True/False:  A marathon is an exertion structure. 
8. True/False:  The pace exertion scale is a composite of all five components of exertion.  
9. Which of the following is not true of pace exertion?
10. True/False:  Every race or workout can be represented by a graphic exertion structure. 
11. True or False:  The hard-easy system is a way of telling when you should do hard or easy workouts.